Until recently, latin was the internationally accepted language for naming and describing plants. Many latin words, or something very close, have been accepted into the English language so it is often possible to interpret botanical names without any knowledge of latin. The following table provides examples of some latin words used in describing orchids that are frequently encountered.
Latin(English) | Meaning |
Source: Stearn, William T. (2004) Botanical Latin | |
Clavatus (Club shaped) | gradually thickening upwards from a very tapering base |
Cochlearis (Cochlear) | when one piece, being larger than the others, and hollowed like a helmet or bowl, covers the others |
Resupinatus (Resupinate) | inverted in position by a twisting of the stalk. Typically refers to the flowers - Encyclia flowers are non-resupinate as the lip is at the top. |
Nutans (Nodding) | inclining very much from the perpendicular, so that the apex is directed downwards |
Sessilis (Sessile) | sitting close upon the body that supports it, without any sensible stalk |
Fusiform (Spindle shaped) | thick, tapering to each end |
Canaliculatus (Channelled) | long and concave, so as to resemble a gutter or channel |
Teres (Terete) | the opposite of angular |
Filiformis (Thread shaped) | slender, like a thread |
Linearis (Linear) | narrow, short, with the two opposite margins parallel |
Cucullatis (Hooded) | a plane body, the apex or sides of which are curved inwards, so as to resemble the point of a slipper, or a hood |
Fimbriatus (Fringed) | having the margin bordered by long filiform processes thicker than hairs |
Giganteus (Gigantic) | tall, but stout and well proportioned |
Dorsalis (Dorsal) | fixed upon the back of anything |
Lateralis (Lateral) | fixed near or upon the side of anything |